William 100wc #4

I was walking through the forest, birds tweeting, frogs croaking and a strong wind blowing. It was a sunny day and I was walking with my mum. We were on an adventure, climbing mountains and running down steep hills. We had seen some amazing sights and were stung so many times that we couldn’t stop scratching our knees!

After a short rest, we came upon a clearing in the woods. To our surprise, towering above us were 3 statues. A cow, a horse and a sheep, all wearing long white robes. The wind whistles through the trees and we fled in fear of the witchcraft that could surround these strange statues.


One day I went in my magical garden wondering what could be the next addition. Little did I know there was three animals roaming around in there. I chased them away and made sure they were out. Then I blocked off the holes in the fence so they couldn’t get back in, all of a sudden my grandma arrived and then I saw the same animals dashing through the house and out the back like Olympic sprinters. Now they were getting on my nerves, I bolted at them again but one bolted back and then I woke up and realised it was just a dream until I looked out of my window.

Kyle100 WC#4

As I walked down the track, on the scarecrow hunt, I saw three creepy scarecrows. One of them had a clay horse head, another, a bull,and the last one had  a goat head.Suddenly,a bolt of lightning struck the scarecrows,I expected them to shatter,burn, or even disintegrate!But they didn’t do any of those,they turned illuminate green, and then, a huge voice started chanting in a language that  I did not understand.

A huge blue orb exploded in the sky,and everything was back to normal,or was it. I decided to carry on, then,from behind my back, the rocket scarecrow actually blasted off with two scarecrow astronauts looking at it.The scarecrows were alive!



Thomas #4 100WC

“What on earth?” I said looking into the distance. “Fred, come over here!”

“Coming ,” he said reluctantly. “This better be important,” he said as he climbed the small hill. “I’m late for-WOW!” He said astounded

He saw them too. Right in front of us stood three statues one of a goat one of a horse and one of a bull. We went a little closer… not too close.We were in touching distance when one moved, and another and another, soon, all three were looking at us. We both stayed silent. we didn’t dare to move a muscle until. “RUN!” Bellowed Fred, but we couldn’t. They had trapped us in…

Lucy 100 WC #4

Today we are going on another school trip after the last one was a disaster we had a little crash, lets leave it at that. It was to Stonehenge. in the middle were three Monster-like status, we were allowed to look around in pares me and Maya whet to look at the status. Maya went behind one and she said “I’m a ghost woo woo,” i found it funny then Suddenly the status shattered and Three hideous monsters came out. “RUN,” said Maya but i wanted to investigate but it put slime all over me and vanished into thin air.


Mr Hest is a farmer,he loved all of his animals.One day Mr Hest went to the farm to feed the animals. In the distance,he saw a peculiar book hidden in the grass, the cover said,“Be careful, this book contains dangerous ingredients. DO NOT GIVE IT TO CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN.”He looked inside the book and it had instructions about potions . He tried to make one, it was called the magic thinking potion. What he didn’t notice is that it said in brackets (EXTREME). When he saw that he poured it away all over the floor. The next morning he came back and all the animals were turned to stone!!

Matteo 100wc#4

Once there were three lades that love animals. However, one lady hated goats and killed one. The second lady hated horses and killed one. And finely, the last lady hated cows and killed one. And then a green faced witch appeared. She asked “why did you kill those animals”?, The ladies said “because we hate them”. “You should be sorry for yourself!” yelled the witch. Suddenly, the witch turned the lades into statues. The first one of the statues  has a goat face. The second one of the statues has a horse face and finally, the last one of the statues has a cow face. They have to stay like that for one day. The next day the witch set them free and told them to respect the animals.



There was once a Victorian king who bought a mansion that stood tall like a soldier going into battle.  It had the biggest gardens you had ever seen, brimming with roses and other sweet smelling flowers.  Suddenly, out of nowhere, came a knock at the door.  I wonder what it could be? thought the king in a panic. No one ever knocked on the door.    With a shaking hand, he slowly open the door, which creaked like my granddads knees.  No one was there.  He looked left.  He looked right.  He looked down.  All of a sudden there were three statues staring at him!


It was a Sunday, Mass was coming to an end. We was singing our last hymn, we was half way through when a man walked through the church doors, he slammed the door behind him and we all panicked. We looked at each other In shock. I said to my friends “What is going on here!” When I left church I noticed it was that man again. There was people with different animal heads on and before you know it, they are coming towards you. with one swing of the wand my friend was a Bull. I ran as fast as my little legs would carry me.

damian 100wc#4

I went on my bike with my dad and my friend Tomas. Then we stopped at the ice cream van and bought some ice cream and we carried on riding. Then we stopped  at the park because we were tired. Suddenly I saw three statues the first statue had a cow head the second statue had a horse head and finaly the last one had a goat head. So I told my dad and thomas and they said” Wow”. We were really intresting so we came up to the statues and we made a photo of them and then we went home and showed our family the photo.